A child support modification is a way for the Louisiana courts to change the court order that indicates how much a parent is required to pay in child support. The parent requesting the child support alteration must present a tangible change in circumstances that occurred between the original child support order and the modification request. Circumstances can include updated child custody arrangements, underemployment, or unemployment.
The child support modification form was created by the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services. The document has boxes that parents must check to verify the need for child support to be increased or decreased. If a family’s situation is not listed on the form, there is a space to describe the situation in writing. For instance, if the parent who had visitation rights now has full or partial child custody, child support payments may need to be modified.
You must have a valid reason to change the amount of child support you pay or receive. According to Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:311, if the courts do not find sufficient reason to modify a child support order or if the modification motion is dismissed before a court hearing, the parent who requested the modification may have to pay the other parent’s attorney and legal fees.
Parents who have a child support case that is being handled by the Louisiana DCFS/SES will have a caseworker. It is best to contact the caseworker to pursue the modification process since Louisiana state laws require that DCFS/SES assist you with child support modification if you are the one making child support payments. A qualified lawyer can also assist you if you need to make changes to your child support arrangement.
1340 W. Tunnel Blvd., Suite 225
Houma, Louisiana 70360
Law Office of Camille Saltz Babin